We Help You


Now Software Development’s Big Data and Analytics solutions allow to analyze, display and analyze large volumes of heterogeneous data from multiple sources, allowing their correlation, improving business decision making.

Any digital transformation process begins when organizations are able to organize information and run analytics on the largest amount of data relevant to their business.


Some of us solutions

The risk management solution provides methodology, intelligence and practices that collaborate with the establishment of a skilled culture in risk management, capital/liquidity optimization, and attention to regulatory demands. This ensures greater efficiency and transparency when leaving risk analysis in the hands of professionals.

With these initiatives we are able to strike the right balance between short and long-term strategies, addressing regulatory requirements and applicable exchange controls.

The major advantages of risk management are:

-The overview of the entire company according to its profile.

-The internal control status for accurate decision making with timely information and creation of a consolidated data platform.

Give your business a data management and governance strategy, providing visualization tools that allow you to better manage and monitor your key business processes, giving greater visibility to decision makers of critical KPIs.

This solution is ideal for customers who need to implement a data management strategy, or do not have information for decision making, or need reliable and integrated data sources or require implementing a culture that promotes experimentation, data-driven analysis and continuous learning.

Some of the benefits are:

-Transparency of information

Cross-reporting and centralized reporting

-Deliverables aligned to business objectives.

Our Big Data service consists of extracting data from multiple sources to be filtered, structured and classified. This allows us to generate information for analysis, modeling and correlation, so that the results allow us to make useful decisions for the business.

The Big Data service contains a number of associated variables such as streamlining queries, assessing risks, mitigating losses, increasing predictability, digitizing business, backup repositories, among others.

Some of the benefits offered by our solution are:

-Optimize decision making

-Business and product modeling

-Detect needs and improvements

-Provide timely response to complex problems.

At Now Software Development we are able to guide and implement, hand in hand with our clients, efficient solutions with the intensive use of analytics and big data tools, placing special emphasis on the process of capturing and organizing data and meeting the demanding challenges that the digital revolution imposes on different markets, making them competitive, agile and efficient.